Wednesday, April 28, 2010
They are designed to accommodate the entire spectrum of hearing losses, from the mild to the severe. Although they are more conspicuous then hearing aids that fit entirely in the ear canal, they have a number of benefits that appeal to a wide variety of hearing impaired individuals. In addition, BTE hearing aids come in a number of sizes, shapes and colors. So some behind the ear models are much less conspicuous then others.
Since behind the ear hearing aids are larger then their completely in the canal, or CIC, counterparts, they can more easily house a bigger amplifier and much stronger battery and therefore may be especially beneficial to individuals with a more severe hearing loss. BTE hearing aids are also rather versatile in that they come in the most traditional analog style as well as in the recently popularized digitally powered style of hearing aids.
When budgetary constraints are an issue, behind the ear devices definitely win out over hearing aids which fit completely in the ear canal. Due to their larger size, other groups of people to whom BTE hearing aids have more appeal then CIC models include the elderly, arthritis sufferers and others with fine motor control disabilities and related issues.
Finally since CIC models necessitate the wearing of a heavier device in the canal then just the lightweight ear mold attached to BTE hearing aids, there tends to be less ear canal irritation with the former.
In the late 1800s the first commercially manufactured hearing aids were patented and became available to the public. The first behind the ear hearing aids came on the scene over fifty years ago.
Prior to this, hearing aids were basically amplifiers worn somewhere on the body and these were heavy and expensive, due in part to rapid battery consumption. With the advent of the smaller junction transistor in 1952, widespread BTE hearing aid use became more of a reality.
Due to improvements in the technology of circuitry,1964 saw another boom in use of BTE devices and the use of body worn hearing aids dropped to less then twenty percent. By 1972 prototypes for hearing aids which could be programmed to a variety of listening situations, were being created. The following twenty years showed continued improvements and advances in hearing aid technology.
Volume controls were added to most behind the ear devices in the 1990s and digital hearing aids started appearing in the mid nineties. There has been continued new arrivals in the hearing aid world since then such as remanufactured hearing aids, disposable hearing aids and over the counter hearing aids. Who knows what the future of behind the ear hearing aid technology holds, the possibilities are endless.
BTE Hearing Aid St Louis MO
Different Types Of Kitchenware For Shopping
There are several questions to be depended upon before choosing a kitchenware. The question for how many people you cook would enable in determining the quantity of pots and pans and even the size of each of them. The next question that arises is about the food cooked by you often. Some may be make soups in large stockpots whereas others would never steam anything in stovetops as they use electric steamer. So by understanding the kind of food you cook it is easily possible for you to determine the kitchenware needed by you.
The most important thing to consider is the cleaning up process and how much do you prefer for that. If you go along with the cleaning process and like it then you could go for ordinary pans. But if it is a hell out then it would be pretty good to opt for non-stick cookware which would ease your cleaning process. There are certain easy cooking pots which help you to cook properly but cleaning those takes a lot of time and effort. Usually stainless steel is preferred by most of the professional cooks as it is light weight, less costly and even beautiful. But the only problem for the stainless cookware is that they are easy to work with but it is pretty difficult to clean them up.
Determining the type of stove also lets you finalize the kitchenware that is appropriate for you. This will let you know whether you need a flat bottom or round bottom pan. For all those latest induction cook tops, it is necessary to have ferrite in them which is magnetic in nature. The most important thing that determines your purchase is the budget. It was always recommended to buy the high quality cookware always as they are long lasting and also it only needs initial investment and then could be your soul mate for years to count.
The quality kitchenware lets you cook food faster and with ease. As you use most of the kitchenware every day it is very important to have them to be very comfortable to work with. The most important thing is to look for the weight and heft. The heavier kitchenware won’t warp over time and it is easy to control the heat in it too. Always look at the ductility of the pan. Never go for those which could be even slightly bend as they never stay long, always choose that kitchenware which makes you use for years.
KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer
KitchenAid Stand Mixer
Is Buying Gold Or Silver Limited Edition Mint Coins a Better Investment Than Bullion?
A gift for the person who has everything! We have all heard this before but can it possibly be true? Giving is better that receiving, true, but in this case receiving is just as good as, if not better than giving.
1 To maximize your chances of successfully increasing your wealth, one has to invest in a number of areas including around 10-20% in precious metals say the experts. Since 2001 gold prices have risen more than 196% outperforming the Dow by 400%.
Who would not want to own a commodity that investors traditionally turn to in times of crisis? Gold has always been the haven to which investors turn when the markets go down.
2 Experts are now predicting that in these volatile markets the price of gold will reach $2000/oz. or higher. This makes gold an excellent investment for profit and protection in times of economic and market uncertainty
Stocks can lose their value, and companies can go under leaving you with worthless pieces of paper. Cash can lose its ability to increase in value due to the low interest rates. With bonds your money is tied up for the length of the term.
When property prices crash you can lose years of equity. Apart from gambling how many more ways can you lose your money?
Ok that's the info on gold, but what about silver, how does that compare?
3 Silver has many qualities and properties that are extremely useful in the manufacturing industry. Silver is used in many industries such as electrical appliances, medical products, microcircuits, super-conductors and in 90% of solar cells.
With the predicted rise in the demand for newer, better, renewable energy systems the demand for solar panels is set to skyrocket. There's an above ground supply of mined silver that is constantly dwindling year on year.
4 The price of silver tracks the gold price at around 1:70 although the ratio can vary. Traders, investors and buyers often analyze the gold/silver ratio. With the price of gold on the way up, silver will surely follow and so should you.
So what's my next move? The smart thing to do would be to buy gold and silver. But what to buy?
5 You don't have to buy bullion bars there is a better option. Buying collectable gold and silver mint condition coins is the best way to start. From just one single silver coin, to collections of gold coins, it depends on your budget and how much you like the person you are giving the gift to!
These coins have a numismatic value and are priced for their collectable value.
6 Coins have a face value as well as the value/oz. Because of this they are protected from the falling commodity price and will be traded as fine collectible coins. You also have the base metal value in the coin, which is set to rise. Gold and silver bars can only follow the base metal value whether it is up or down.
7 Coins are easily stored and presented. As the collections grow you can simply add this year's new releases, making the giving of gifts a lot easier. You can start with the kids gift packs, that's covered all those niece's and nephews from an early age. How about starting at the very beginning, a dated, collectible, mint condition silver coin would make the ideal christening present.
Ok I now have the gold and silver but what if I no longer want to keep it?
There are a number of ways to sell your coins or bullion; you could sell the bullion to a recognized trader who will give you a lower price than you could buy it from them. One of the favorite ways is to sell on one of the Internets auction sites. People often get carried away with the bidding when it comes to buying the odd collectible mint condition coin or two, this also goes for selling your bullion.
M P Wilson is a long time investor in property, silver and gold. Along with bullion, gold and silver limited edition fine-minted coins are also high on the list of investments that he has chosen. For more information follow the link and have a look around. Is a great place to start.
Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver CoinsDon't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins
Monday, April 26, 2010
List Building Tips - Why You Need a List
I was recently surprised when someone who was new to affiliate marketing asked me..."Why do you need a list anyway?"
But this is actually a great question. And many newcomers are probably asking themselves the same thing. When we first start out, we aren't really thinking in terms of long-term profit and we don't really have the statistics ingrained in our brains. We're just trying to figure out how to make building a list might not seem like a top priority.
This article is the first in a series of list building tips. Here I'm going to focus on why everyone (yes, everyone) in business benefits from growing a list.
But first, what is a list anyway? It's basically just a series of people who have (hopefully) given you their contact information. These contacts are considered leads and the quality of these leads can vary greatly. For example, if you have a list of people who have specifically requested that you send them information about a product that you promote or the business you are involved in, that list is extremely targeted and qualified. If you have a list of contacts who are interested in your industry in general but haven't shown any interest in your particular product or business, that too is a fairly targeted list.
Buying leads is another (not recommended by me) way to build a list. These are most likely low-quality leads.
Remember that you might also have several different lists that each represent a certain niche or target market or quality level. It's important to market to each list appropriately and this will be discussed in a later article.
So, on to the real list building tips article number 1: five reasons you want to start building your list now if you haven't done so already.
1. Increase your earnings, even from the people who don't buy your product. Anyone who has already learned the lesson will gladly tell you...if you don't have a list, you are losing income. Look at it this way. You spend a month advertising something and you end up with a certain amount of sales. If you don't have the contact details of the people who bought this product, you have made just one sale per person. If you do have the contact details, you can offer these people more similar products, or upgraded products of the ones they have purchased.
Or...look at it this way. Someone is interested in your product but they don't purchase it right now. If you can get them on your list, you can send them reminders about this product or others they may be interested. If not...oh well, off they go to your competitors.
Those who buy are the most likely to buy again. If you've sold a product to someone, you can be assured that this person is much more likely to buy that same product again or the next product you offer than someone who hasn't bought from you. That's another reason for building your list.
2. You don't need your own product or business yet...and you can make money while building. Many people get started with marketing online and they don't really have a clear idea about what they want to do. Or maybe they are trying lots of different things. As far as list-building goes, that's perfectly fine! You can start out promoting someone else's product as an affiliate and build your list that way. As you start to learn more about online marketing and get a clearer picture of where you want to go, you are actually building up one of your biggest assets that will serve you in the future.
3. You can do market research for free. Building a list means having access to feedback and ideas. This goes hand in hand with number 2. Once you can maintain contact with people, you're able to ask them what they are looking for and in turn, you can develop your marketing strategies accordingly.
4. Building your own list means building your brand/image. The Internet is an amazing power. But you can get lost in a sea of cold websites and hypey sales pages. Building a list puts you on a more personal level with your customer and allows you to establish a rapport. Who do you think people are more likely to buy from...the person they've never seen before of the guy/gal who sends them those really cool emails about something they are interested in...?
5. Your own lists represent multiple sources of income. The ideas you get from your list and from what actually compelled them to join your list allows you to create your own products/services or seek out others that you can offer them.
List building can be creative - the more you put yourself and your personality into the mix, the more successful you'll be with it.
Keep in mind that your goal is not just to obtain a bunch of email addresses or phone numbers. The real point of list building is to provide value and to maintain relationships with the people who land on your list. If you're wondering how it is that you actually get people on your list(s), stay tuned for the next article.
Are you currently in the 97% of business owners who are less than successful in network marketing? Laura Shapiro offers free tips, opinions and instruction at Sign up for the free newsletter today!
List Building Critic
Get More Buyers
Friday, April 23, 2010
Secret Dog Health Care Tips Your Vet Won't Share
I am going to share just a few of the secret tips that
your vet does not want you to know. These tips will help save you money and
leave you with a healthier, happy dog.
Every year, millions of dogs are taken to the veterinarian for things that could
easily be treated at home, saving you the hassle of a trip to the vet and a ton
of money in the process.
I am sure that you already know the dog health care tip about ordering your pet
medications online. But did you know that you could also order antibiotics
for your dog online without a prescription? This is a great dog health
care tip if your dog suffers from a reoccurring condition and needs these
medications on a regular basis. is a great place to order your
dogs medicine online and save some money in the process. One of the best
features of is that you can choose to purchase from several different
sources, compare prices and shipping fees all on one page.
Here is another great dog health care tip. If you have an older dog
that suffers from arthritis, you can ease your dogs arthritis with things that
you already have at home. Simply take an old knee sock and fill it with
regular rice (not instant). Once the sock is nearly filled, tie a knot in
the top of the sock and microwave it for 2-3 minutes. Before placing
this in your dogs bed, make certain that it is not too hot. This little
rice filled sock will stay warm for hours, providing moist heat and hours of
relief for your arthritic dog.
Before closing there is one more dog health care tip that I want to share
with you. This one tip alone could save you hundreds of dollars a
year. If you are a dog owner that loves to give your dog treats, you are
literally throwing your green away when you purchase those high dollar designer
treats. If you want a tasty treat for your dog that is healthy and
affordable, do your dog and your wallet a favor by picking up a package of fresh
baby carrots. You can also peel and cube apples for a healthy dog
treat. The carrots and apples are much healthier for your dog and you will
save a ton of money in the process.
For more free dog health care tips and a free e-book that can save you money, visit The dog health care blog
Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins
Thursday, April 22, 2010
All About Charging Orders - A Comprehensive Review of How LLCs and FLPs Protect Your Assets
There are relatively few types of assets that are statutorily protected from claims of creditors. Membership interests in limited liability companies ("LLCs") and partnership interests are afforded a significant level of protection through the charging order mechanism.
The Importance of History
Before the advent of the charging order, a creditor pursuing a partner in a partnership was able to obtain from the court a writ of execution directly against the partnership's assets, which led to the seizure of such assets by the sheriff. This result was possible because the partnership itself was not treated as a juridical person, but simply as an aggregate of its partners.
The seizure of partnership assets meant that the sheriff could shut down the partnership's place of business. That caused the non-debtor partners to suffer financial losses, sometimes on par with the debtor partner, a process one court referred to as "clumsy."
To protect the non-debtor partners from the creditor of the debtor-partner, and to keep the creditor out of partnership affairs, it was necessary to keep the creditor from seizing partnership assets. This was also in line with the developing perception of partnerships as legal entities and not simple aggregates of partners. These objectives could be accomplished only by limiting the collection remedies that creditors previously enjoyed. Because any limitation on a creditor's remedies is a boon to the debtor, over the years charging orders have come to be perceived as asset protection tools.
The rationale behind the charging order limitation applied initially only to general partnerships, where every partner was involved in carrying on the business of the partnership; it did not apply to corporations because of their centralized management structure. However, over the years the charging order protection was extended to limited partners and LLC members.
Deconstructing the Uniform Acts
Most domestic and foreign partnership and limited liability company statutes provide for charging orders. Almost all domestic statutes are based on the uniform acts, such as the Revised Uniform Partnership Act of 1994 ("RUPA"), the Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 2001 ("ULPA") or the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of 1996 ("ULLCA"), or the earlier versions of these acts.
The very first references to the charging order in the United States appeared in Section 28 of the Uniform Partnership Act of 1914 and Section 22 of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 1916. Both allowed creditors to petition the court for a charging order against the debtor's partnership interest. Both statutes, directly or indirectly, addressed the fact that the charging order was not the exclusive remedy of the creditor. Appointment of a receiver and foreclosure of the partnership interest were anticipated.
A 1976 amendment to the Uniform Limited Partnership Act clarified the charging order remedy. It provided that a judgment creditor has the rights of an assignee of the partnership interest.
Section 504 of both RUPA and ULLCA, and the ULLCA, at Section 504, introduced the following concepts: (i) a charging order is a lien on the judgment debtor's transferable interest; (ii) the purchaser at a foreclosure sale has the rights of a transferee; and (iii) the charging order is the exclusive means by which the creditor could pursue the partnership interest.
Both acts also provide that the charging order does not charge the entire partnership or membership interest of the debtor, but only the "transferable" (RUPA) or "distributional" (ULLCA) interest. However, the language providing that the creditor has the rights of an assignee was dropped.
Most recently, ULPA, in addition to the new language in the RUPA and the ULLCA, provides that (i) the judgment creditor has only the rights of a transferee, and (ii) the court may order a foreclosure only on the transferable interest.
All three most recent acts also provide that the charged interest may be redeemed prior to foreclosure.
The uniform acts make four important points: (1) the charging order is a lien on the judgment debtor's transferable/distributional interest; it is not a levy, (2) the creditor cannot exercise any management or voting rights because the creditor has only the rights of an assignee/transferee, (3) the foreclosure of the charged interest does not harm the debtor because the buyer at the foreclosure sale receives no greater right than was possessed by the original creditor, and (4) the creditor, expressly, has no remedy other than the charging order and foreclosure on the charging order.
Because the charging order creates a lien and not a levy, and because the creditor is not a transferee under ULPA, but has only the rights of a transferee, the creditor does not become the owner of the charged interest unless there is foreclosure. This has important tax ramifications, discussed below.
If the creditor is an assignee/transferee, or has the rights of an assignee/transferee, the uniform acts deprive the creditor of any voting, management or access to information rights. Let us use ULPA to see how that happens.
ULPA defines a "transferable interest" as a right to receive distributions. A "transferee" is defined as a person who receives a transferable interest. ULPA defines two bundles of rights that a partner may have in a partnership: economic rights and other rights. While economic rights are freely transferable, other rights (which include management and voting rights) are not transferable, unless made so in the partnership agreement.
ULPA further clarifies that a transferee has the right only to receive distributions, if and when made. The comments to the charging order section of ULPA provide:
This section balances the needs of a judgment creditor of a partner or transferee with the needs of the limited partnership and non-debtor partners and transferees. The section achieves that balance by allowing the judgment creditor to collect on the judgment through the transferable interest of the judgment debtor while prohibiting interference in the management and activities of the limited partnership.
Under this section, the judgment creditor of a partner or transferee is entitled to a charging order against the relevant transferable interest. While in effect, that order entitles the judgment creditor to whatever distributions would otherwise be due to the partner or transferee whose interest is subject to the order. The creditor has no say in the timing or amount of those distributions. The charging order does not entitle the creditor to accelerate any distributions or to otherwise interfere with the management and activities of the limited partnership.
Foreclosure of a charging order effects a permanent transfer of the charged transferable interest to the purchaser. The foreclosure does not, however, create any rights to participate in the management and conduct of the limited partnership's activities. The purchaser obtains nothing more than the status of a transferee.
ULLCA has similar provisions that restrict the creditor to a "distributional interest" (identical, except in name, to ULPA "transferable interest") that does not confer on the creditor any voting or management rights.
The creditor's inability to vote the charged interest or participate in the management of the entity is at the heart of the asset protection efficacy of the charging order. If the partnership or the LLC halts all distributions, the creditor has no ability to force the distributions.
Some practitioners fear the creditor's ability to foreclose. This fear appears to be entirely unfounded - the uniform acts clearly provide that only the charged interest may be foreclosed upon, and further provide that the purchaser at the foreclosure sale has only the rights of a transferee. To grant the purchaser of the foreclosed interest an interest greater than the right to receive distributions would mean granting to the purchaser voting and management rights associated with the debtor's interest in the entity. That would be contrary to the very reason why charging order statutes exist in the first place.
A creditor holding a charging order usually does not know whether any distributions will be forthcoming from the entity. This uncertainty is of little value to most creditors. But it may be possible to find a third party, possibly a collection firm, willing to buy the charged interest at a steep discount and then wait to get paid (which may be folly due to possible adverse tax consequences). Consequently, the ability to foreclose affords the creditor some limited value.
The creditor's ability to foreclose has no effect on the debtor. As long as no one can take away the debtor's management and voting rights, the debtor is not made worse off.
The exclusivity of the charging order (including the ability to foreclose on the charging order), which may be found in each recent uniform act, relates back to the origin of the charging order. The drafters of the uniform acts did not want to allow the creditor any possibility of gaining voting or management rights, and the exclusivity language should be read in that light.
A common point of confusion needs to be addressed with respect to exclusivity. Many cases dealing with charging orders focus on whether the charging order is the exclusive creditor remedy, or whether foreclosure is authorized (see discussion below). The uniform acts, until RUPA in 1994, never made the charging order the exclusive creditor remedy, although it was always understood that the creditor can never gain management rights. Beginning with RUPA, all uniforms acts have introduced the element of exclusivity, but it is not the charging order that is made the exclusive remedy. Instead, the acts make the respective sections of the acts dealing with charging orders the exclusive remedy, and these sections specifically allow foreclosure.
Some practitioners and commentators have suggested that the exclusivity language may mean that fraudulent transfer laws would not apply to transfers of assets to partnerships or limited liability companies. While a strict reading of the exclusivity language may, at first glance, suggest such an outcome, it would be incorrect. The charging order limitation protects the debtor's interest in the legal entity. If a creditor successfully establishes that a transfer of assets to a legal entity is a fraudulent transfer (which would be a separate legal action from the application for a charging order), the creditor no longer needs to pursue the debtor's interest in the entity. With a fraudulent transfer judgment, the creditor gains the ability to pursue the entity itself, in its capacity as the transferee of the assets. Accordingly, if the creditor has the ability to pursue the partnership or the LLC, the protection of the debtor's interest in the entity through the charging order becomes a moot point. Several courts have now opined on this subject as well, uniformly holding that the exclusivity language of the charging order statutes is not a bar to a fraudulent transfer challenge.
Charging Order Cases
There are few cases dealing with charging orders, for two reasons. First, many creditors fail to find the charging order to be a useful remedy, and seek to settle with the debtor rather than hope to get a distribution from the entity. Second, even when creditors pursue the charging order remedy, the charging order is granted by a trial court and is rarely appealed, resulting in few published opinions. Many of the reported cases deal with the creditor's ability to foreclose; most cases authorize the creditor to foreclose but restrict the buyer of the interest to the economic component of the interest. There are also some interesting outliers, readily demonstrating the degree of judicial imagination involved in statutory interpretation.
The California Supreme Court has affirmed that the charging order has replaced levies of execution as the remedy for reaching partnership interests. The two most interesting charging order cases out of California are Crocker Nat. Bank v. Perroton, and Hellman v. Anderson.
In Crocker, the court concluded that a partnership interest may be foreclosed upon if the sale of the interest does not violate the partnership agreement and the other partners consent to the sale. In Hellman, the court confirmed that foreclosure of the charged interest is authorized by the charging order statute, but disagreed with Crocker that consent of non-debtor partners is required. The court concluded that consent from other partners is not required because the foreclosure sale results in the buyer receiving only the economic interest in the partnership, not voting or management rights. Consequently, the buyer will never have ability to interfere with the business of the partnership and inconvenience the non-debtor partners. Going even further, the Hellman court remanded the case back to trial court for a determination whether the foreclosure of the economic interest (limited as that interest may be) would unduly interfere with the partnership business.
In the only opinion of its kind, the Connecticut Supreme court determined that the uniform acts authorize not only foreclosure by sale, but also strict foreclosure (forfeiture of the partnership interest to the creditor, a concept now unique to Connecticut).
In the only reported Florida opinion, the court concluded that the simplicity of the language of the charging order statute - "the judgment creditor has only the rights of an assignee" - "necessarily" precluded foreclosure. Florida statutes were subsequently amended to specifically preclude foreclosure (see above).
A Minnesota court held that the "exclusivity" of the charging order must be read in conjunction with the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyances Act. In this case a limited partnership interest subject to a charging order was transferred in a fraudulent conveyance to the debtor's wife and attorney. The creditor was allowed to pursue the limited partnership interest transferred through the fraudulent conveyance and retain its charging order.
In Deutsch v. Wolff, a Missouri court analyzed, in a charging order context, the receiver's right to manage the partnership. The court drew a distinction between a creditor who becomes an assignee of the debtor-partner (no management rights), and a receiver appointed by the court. A receiver may be granted management rights "when manager of a partnership has willfully engaged in a series of illegal activities..." It seems that in this case the court found the ability to appoint the receiver through the Missouri charging order statute, but vested the receiver with management rights using equity arguments unrelated to the charging order (i.e., a receiver could have been appointed simply because the general partner was defrauding the limited partners). A similar conclusion, under similar circumstances, was reached by courts in Nevada, Kansas and Minnesota.
Single-Member LLCs
Single-member LLCs deserve special attention in the charging order analysis. It may be argued that given the historical framework of charging orders, they should not protect single member LLC members, because there are no other "partners" to protect from the creditor.
Neither the uniform acts nor any of the state charging order statutes make any distinction between single-member and multi-member LLCs. Some courts have held that the charging order limitation would apply where all of the partners of a limited partnership were the debtors of a single creditor. The creditor had argued, to no avail, that because there were no "innocent" (non-debtor) partners to protect, the charging order protection should not apply.
One bankruptcy court held that the charging order protection does not apply to single-member LLCs. In Albright, the debtor was the sole member and manager of an LLC. The bankruptcy trustee asserted that it acquired the right to control the LLC and sell its assets, while the debtor sought to deny those rights, under the rationale discussed above.
The bankruptcy court concluded that based on Colorado LLC law, a membership interest in an LLC can be assigned, including management rights. The relevant statute provides that if all the other members do not approve of the assignment, then the assignee does not acquire management rights. If all the other members do approve, then the assignee may become a substituted member, acquiring all rights of a member).
Because in a single-member LLC there are no other members who can "not approve," an assignee will always become a substituted member. The statute was not revised following the introduction of single-member LLCs. The bankruptcy court concluded that if the LLC in Albright were a multi-member LLC, a different result would have been reached and the bankruptcy trustee would have been entitled only to the distributions of profits, but not management and control over the LLC.
The court's application of the Colorado assignability statutes is faulty. These statutes are implicated only when a member dies or assigns its interest, not in the context of bankruptcy.
The Albright case is often interpreted as a case on single-member LLC charging orders. However, the bankruptcy court devoted most of its analysis to the assignability of interests statutes, and only in passing noted that the debtor made a charging order argument. The court dismissed the debtor's charging order argument out of hand, noting that charging orders were intended to protect non-debtor "partners," and in single-member LLCs there is no one to protect.
The very limited analysis of charging orders engaged in by the Albright court is troubling. The court analyzes and follows Colorado statutes when dealing with the assignability of interests and determining how the charging order would work in a multi-member context. Inexplicably, the court completely ignored Colorado law with respect to applicability of the charging order. The Colorado charging order statute does not exempt single-member LLCs from the charging order limitation. The court completely ignores that and focuses on the historical framework of charging orders.
It is inappropriate to analyze legislative intent and historical origins of statutes when there is a clear statute on point. The Colorado charging order statute clearly limits the creditor to an economic interest in the LLC. When the Colorado legislature introduced the single-member LLC statute it is presumed to have known of the charging order statute. It chose not to make any changes to the latter. The Albright decision conveniently ignores these legal principles.
To date, with the exception of the Albright case, there are no cases analyzing the efficacy of charging orders in the single-member LLC context. Attorneys should caution their clients that if they are seeking to maximize their charging order protection, they should be forming multi-member LLCs or adding new members to existing LLCs. These new members would need to have some membership interest in the LLC, but is difficult to gage how large of an interest would be sufficient, and whether an economic interest would suffice, or are voting rights required as well. In Albright, the court concluded that if the analysis was carried out under the Colorado charging order statute, and there was another member, with a passive interest, of an "infinitesimal" nature, the bankruptcy trustee would not acquire any management or control rights.
In a community property state, if an LLC's only members are two spouses, holding their interests as community property, the LLC would probably not enjoy the protection of a multi-member LLC. If only one spouse were a debtor, then under the community property laws the creditor will be able to charge the LLC interests of both spouses. Thus, there would be no non-debtor members to protect with the charging order.
Reverse Piercing
Because of the charging order limitation, partnerships and LLCs afford a liability shield to its owners, by protecting (to some extent) the assets within these entities from the liabilities of the owners. Similar to the traditional liability shield commonly associated with limited liability entities, the protection of the charging order may be pierced by a creditor. In that eventually the charging order limitation becomes a moot point, because the entity is no longer considered to have a separate legal identity from its owners.
In Litchfield Asset Management Corp. v. Howell, after a judgment was entered against the debtor, she set up two LLCs and contributed cash to the two LLCs. The LLCs never operated a business, never made distributions or paid salaries, and the debtor used the assets of the LLC to pay her personal expenses and to make interest-free loans to family members. The court found that the debtor used her control over the LLCs to perpetrate a wrong, disregarded corporate formalities and exceeded her management authority (in making interest-free loans), and ordered reverse piercing of the LLCs.
Because there has always been a strong presumption against piercing the corporate veil (including reverse piercing), this threat to the charging order protection should be easily avoidable.
Practitioners should be wary about using partnerships and LLCs to protect personal property, such as investment accounts and residences. Most states allow the formation of partnerships and LLCs for any lawful purpose; others require a business purpose (profit or non-profit). In a state requiring a business purpose, a partnership or an LLC holding personal property may be subject to a reverse piercing claim. Entities holding personal assets should be formed in states like Delaware, that allow entities to be formed for any lawful purpose.
Tax Consequences
The tax consequences of the charging order, to the creditor and to the debtor, vary before and after foreclosure.
Until the charging order is foreclosed upon, it is a lien on the debtor's transferable interest similar to a garnishment. If the entity makes distributions to the creditor, then the tax consequences to the creditor are determined with reference to the underlying judgment.
The distributions made pursuant to a charging order are made in satisfaction of a judgment. Judgments are taxable based on the underlying cause of action, according to the "origin of the claim" test. For example, if the judgment relates to a personal injury or sickness, it may be entirely exempt from income under Section 104(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRC"). Similarly, the judgment may be to enforce a loan extended by the creditor to the debtor, and the repayment of the loan would not be taxable. If the judgment does not relate to a personal injury or sickness, it will be taxable as either ordinary income or capital gain. Generally, recovery which compensates for harm to capital assets is a capital gain. All other income is ordinary.
While the creditor is being taxed on the distributions it receives, the debtor is also being taxed on the income of the entity. There are three ways to arrive at this conclusion. First, absent foreclosure, the debtor remains the owner of the economic interest in the entity. Whether the entity is taxed as a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation, it is the owner of the economic interest who is properly taxable. Second, paying off the creditor reduces the outstanding liabilities of the debtor, which is an economic benefit to the creditor, and therefore taxable under the Haig-Simons definition of income. Third, the charging order (to the extent it works) simply forces the debtor to pay off its debts. Paying off debts is not always deductible (see below), and changing the mechanism of debt payment (debtor paying creditor directly after getting taxed on its share of distributions, versus intercepting distributions from the entity) should not alter that result by giving the debtor the equivalent of a deduction.
The debtor may be able to obtain a deduction for any distributions made by the entity to the creditor, if the judgment relates to the debtor's business, and paying it off would be deemed an "ordinary and necessary" business expense.
If there are no distributions being made to a creditor, then (absent foreclosure) the creditor is not taxable on the income of the entity.
Once a creditor forecloses on the partnership or membership interest, the charging order lien is converted into an actual economic interest in the entity, now owned by the creditor (or the buyer of the interest at a foreclosure sale). For federal tax purposes, the creditor acquires a property right in the economic interest (compared to the right to income), and is now treated as the owner of such interest.
The tax consequences to the creditor depend on two factors: (i) whether distributions are being made, and (ii) the federal income tax treatment of the entity.
If distributions are being made, then if the entity is taxed as a sole proprietorship (because it is disregarded for tax purposes) as a partnership, or subchapter S corporation, both the debtor's share of the income of the entity and the character of the income being generated by the entity will pass through to the creditor. If the entity is a subchapter C corporation, its distributions will be taxed to the debtor as dividends.
If distributions are not being made to the creditor, then if the entity is taxed as a sole proprietorship, partnership or S corporation, the creditor is still taxed on its share of the income of the entity, causing the creditor to receive "phantom" income. If the entity is a subchapter C corporation, the creditor will not be taxed on the income of the entity until it is distributed.
Maximizing the Utility of Charging Orders
Most partnership and operating agreements provide that only the economic interest in the LLC may be assigned, but not the entire membership interest. This mirrors the uniform acts and the various state statutes.
A carefully drafted partnership or operating agreement can greatly enhance the charging order limitation. As discussed above, the statutes allow partners and members to override the default statutory provision of assignability of interests. In most business dealings it would not be possible for practitioners to make LLC interests entirely non-assignable. Clients want to retain flexibility and ability to dispose of their LLC interests. However, in family settings, or for LLCs set up solely for liability protection purposes, it may be possible to either prevent assignability altogether or to limit it in such a manner so as to make the charging order remedy of little value to the creditor.
Because the charging order protection is predicated on the debtor's continued ability to manage the entity and thus control distributions, the distribution clauses of partnership/LLC agreements become critical. If the agreement provides that all distributions must be made to the partners/members on a pro-rata basis, then distributions have to be made either to all partners/members or none. This means that if one partner/member is pursued by a creditor holding a charging order, protecting that partner/member would mean withholding distributions from all other partners/members of that LLC. Consequently, agreements should be drafted to deal with this potential problem.
One possible solution is to vary the partnership or operating agreement to allow the general partner or the manager to make distributions to all members other than the debtor-member. The author's preferred solution is to provide that the debtor vests in the distribution (i.e,, cash and assets are distributable to the debtor) but instructing the general partner or the manager to withhold the distribution while the charging order is pending. This allows the entity to allocate taxable income to the creditor (following a foreclosure) without distributing cash to the creditor.
Pursuant to the uniform acts and most state statutes that allow foreclosure, the debtor, prior to the foreclosure, may redeem its partnership/membership interest. The statute does not specify that the interest must be redeemed for fair market value. This leaves room for drafters to insert various favorable redemption provisions into the operating agreement, such as a poison pill.
A poison pill provision usually allows either the entity itself or the non-debtor partners/members to buy out the debtor for a nominal sum. The poison pill has the effect of substituting the debtor's interest in the entity with a nominal amount, which limits the assets that a creditor can obtain. If the entity is established well in advance of any creditor challenges, before the partners/members know who will benefit and who will suffer from the poison pill, it should be enforceable, but there are no cases on this point. Because the poison pill will kick in automatically, it should not be deemed a fraudulent transfer, although a challenge is likely. Poison pill provisions are usually limited to family-setting LLCs where the family members are on good terms.
A Practical Take on Charging Orders
Charging orders allow debtors to retain control over partnerships and LLCs and determine the timing of distributions. There are some exceptions to that general rule, particularly when: (i) there is a fraudulent transfer, and (ii) in a bankruptcy. It may be argued that single-member LLCs should also be deemed an exception to this general rule, based on the Albright case and the historical origin of charging orders. This author believes the Albright case to be an outlier, and in direct conflict with the charging order statutes of all states that have adopted single-member LLC provisions. Historical origin is also of little significance in this area. There is no need to interpret statutes that are very clearly drafted to apply to all LLCs.
Purchasing a foreclosed partnership interest may be foolhardy when the debtor, or a person friendly to the debtor, remains in control of the entity and can hold up the creditor's share of distributions. This will lead to adverse tax consequences for the creditor.
As a practical matter, creditors rarely chose to pursue charging orders. A charging order is not a very effective debt collection tool. The creditor may find itself holding a charging order, without any ability to determine when the judgment will be paid off. Practitioners should remember that any uncertainty surrounding charging orders is uncertainty for both the debtor and the creditor. This uncertainty forces most creditors to settle the judgment with the debtor, on terms more acceptable to the debtor, rather than pursue the charging order remedy.
For full citations and diagrams omitted in this article, please refer to the author's website
Jacob Stein is a partner with the law firm Boldra, Klueger and Stein, LLP, in Los Angeles, California. The firm’s practice is limited to asset protection, domestic and international tax planning, and structuring complex business transactions. The firm’s goal is to provide the highest quality legal work that is usually associated with only the biggest law firms, in a boutique firm setting.
Jacob received his law degree from the University of Southern California, and his Master’s of Law in Taxation from Georgetown University. Mr. Stein has been accredited by the State Bar of California as a Certified Tax Law Specialist and is AV-rated (highest possible rating) by Martindale-Hubbell.
In the arena of asset protection, Mr. Stein assists high net-worth individuals and successful businesses in protecting their assets from plaintiffs and creditors by focusing on properly structuring asset ownership and business structures and operations.
In the arena of tax planning, Mr. Stein structures complex domestic and offshore income and estate tax planning transactions.
LLC formation | Limited Liability Company Formation
Beat The Blues With Yoga
Yoga is a great mood enhancer that requires no drugs or medications. Like all forms of exercise, yoga releases hormones that help ease feelings of stress that often lead to the blahs, blues, or outright depression. Being active keeps your mind away from negative thoughts, and allows you to gain a greater and clearer perspective on the problems you are facing. People who are depressed, or simply feeling "down", often lack the motivation to exercise. That's why yoga can be such a great option. It takes far less effort to complete yoga routine as it takes to out to a video or drive to the gym.
A word of warning; if you suffer from more than just the occasional bout of the blues, and feel down for more than two weeks at a time, you should seek professional advice. A doctor or therapist may feel that you need a combination of medication or therapy with exercise.
When you're feeling down, it's hard to think positively. People who are depressed often lack the concentration to detach themselves from their thoughts. Yoga is a "moving meditation", so it is easier to take your mind away from negative thoughts. Our essential inner nature can be blocked by negative thoughts. Apathy, despair, doubt, hopelessness and sleeping too much or too little are all signs of depression that must be addressed. Yoga is designed to bring you closer to your inner truth, naturally helping with some of the symptoms of depression. With a focus on balance, yoga can help to restore mental stability.
There is a definite connection between mind, body and spirit that indicates people can beat the blues with yoga. No other form of exercise alone can achieve these same benefits. Certain Asana yoga postures can influence your mood and help to relieve depression, although Asana can cure depression altogether. Asana postures can help increase low energy levels and relieve lethargy. They are also helpful in opening lung capacity to allow more oxygen to reach all parts of your body, and even your mood. Ask your yoga instructor to help you learn the postures that will balance your moods.
It's also possible to beat the blues with yoga because of the calming effects yoga has on the nervous system. Proper breathing techniques are important elements to practicing yoga, as these can help curb your anxiety and quiet your thoughts, allowing you to concentrate on positive rather than negative energies. As you learn more about yoga, you'll come to understand the connection between your mind and your emotions, and you'll find that they can help each other.
If you think you may be suffering with severe depression, seek professional advice. Yoga is a drug-free alternative that can be safely practiced in conjunction with any medication or therapy your doctor orders. Some yoga routines are specifically designed to alleviate depression and taught by instructors who have been extensively trained to understand the most therapeutic positions.
Even performing the most basic yoga routines can help lift your spirits. While not physically demanding like other forms of exercise, yoga will make you feel much better at the end of a session. Try it and you'll find that you can beat the blues with yoga!
Fort Worth Yoga | Fort Worth massage
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Make Money Quick and Easy With Fast Money Making Opportunities
The needs of people are increasing day by day. So they require extra money to satisfy their needs easily. There are many home based and part time business ideas which will be helpful to make money quick and easy. There are many options for a person if he or she wants to earn money from home.
The field of business can be chosen based on their area of interest so that they will be able enjoy the respective field. There are many areas like art, information technology, marketing, home science, teaching, photography etc. Housewives also have lot of opportunities to take up a home based business. As they have lot of time they can indulge in it easily.
Computers serve a very important role in a home based business. Businesses like web designing, software development, freelance writing and newsletter services can be done with the help of computers and the Internet. By putting in creativity and skills one can succeed in these fields and can develop to a higher level. Freelance writing and newsletter services require a lot of general knowledge and literary skills.
Marketing is a vast field and it requires lot of people who can do it from home. Affiliate marketing comes under this category which requires people to promote the product or service of their organization. They are paid money in the form of commissions. One can also be a marketing consultant who can provide valuable advice and ideas to those who require it.
Housewives can take up day care and private canteen services as their option. They can use their inborn talents for this and come out successfully. If they are good at craft works and tailoring they can make things and sell them as there is lots of demand for it. Graduated housewives can start tutorials for school and college students.
Are you tired of not making money online? If so, check out my website right now. It will show you the exact steps you need to take today to make $3,905 a month like clockwork guaranteed.
Maximo Liam is a respected Internet marketer that helps people from all over the world generate income on the Internet.
Know more about Best Money Making Opportunities.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Marketing you web site - Part 4 - Using newsletters, search engines and the yellow pages
As I stated before, it can take several times for a potential client to begin to trust you. You also want to keep the clients that you have. Part of your marketing plan will be to stay in touch with your clients. Letting them know what is happening, any sales that you may be holding, or new products/services that you may have. A great way of keeping in touch is with a newsletter.
What is a newsletter? Simply put it is a communication between you and your subscribers. By offering information that the client may find helpful, you are offering a service to them that is of value. Immense value in fact. Your information may save them time and money. Building a trust between you and the client. This trust will turn to sales over time.
So what does it take to get a newsletter off the ground so to speak? Two things: First is to have the clients/customer sign up for the newsletter. This can be a simple email or mailing program. RD Web hosting has a mailing list package that is part of the hosting plan. It is simple yet effective. Click here to see it in action. The second thing is a newsletter. This can be written in any word processing program or in your email software. It doesn't have to be long and complicated.
Let's say for example you have found a new recipe. Something that you think your subscribers would be interested in. You type up the recipe along with an introduction and paste it into your email program or mailing list software. From there you send it to each of your subscribers. Cost? A few minutes of time. No printing or mailing charges required. Oh, by the way, in that little letter you sent to each subscriber, you place a little advertising for your web site or store. Or maybe you have 'sold' some space to a friend or business associate who may have something of interest to your subscribers as well.
Newsletters are a great and inexpensive advertising medium. Just remember to place articles of interest in the newsletter and not all advertising. There is nothing worse than getting mail that is all ads. Over time people will stop reading it if they don't find the information useful.
Using Search engines and marketing your web site
Search Engines (SE) are the mystery of the Internet. So many different types even from the users standpoint. There are over 225,000 search engines and directories on the Internet. How do they work and why should you care?
Basically, a search engine is a database of web pages that contains information about that page such as: where it can be found (URL); what is on it (Keywords); when it was last indexed; and a description (Title) of the web page. When you go to a search engine and type in your request (query) the database engine pulls up the data that matches your request. So a search engine is only as good as the data in it. How do we get that data? Most search engines are copies of the major databases. There are only a few real databases out there. So lets talk general terms. Data can be entered by the owner of the website. This information is then indexed and your site is listed. In the past that is how things worked. But we soon found out that people will do anything to get their website listed at the top of the page where they will be more likely to have the searcher click on their site. The owner of the database needed a better way. So programs where written called spiders to go out on the web and find websites. Then catalog each page of the website and enter that information into the database. Today that process is still going on. However, again the owners of the database have tried to make sure that the website information is correct and have been constantly changing the formula used to determine how a website should be listed based on it keywords, headers, titles, content, alt tags, etc. Some database owners even have people visit the website and make a judgment call. All of this is to insure that when you enter a search phrase into the search engine you receive the type of information you want. If you are happy with the search engine you will continue to use it and the advertisements placed on the search engine will help pay for the site.
Search engine technology is changing daily. To try and cover it here would be a waste of your time as it will be out of date tomorrow. So I have listed a site that does nothing more than follow and report on this technology. It is:
Search Engine Watch
What is important for us as website owners is know how to make sure we are properly listed and learn how to get the best listing on the search engines. So lets see... there are 1440 minutes per day and 225,000 search engines. That means if we spend just 10 minutes per search engine entering in our website information it will only take us1562 days to enter the information. But you should submit your website at least every other month, so you can see that is not going to work. There are all kinds of software and website services that will do this for you. But remember there are really only about 4 major databases that feed all those search engines. Even when your website is listed you may not have a very good placement due to other factors. As I said the database owners are constantly changing the rules. So what can you do?
Start with proper design of your website. Good content that is kept up to date. The spiders will find you over time and your ranking will improve as your use of keywords and content are evaluated. Other things that will help is the linking to your site from others. If you have good information, others will point their website to yours which will help your ranking in the search engines. All in all, this will take months to accomplish. But you want to start making money today!
Another way to get listed on search engines faster and at the top of the rankings is with PPC or Pay Per Click. PPC Search Engines charge you each time a user clicks your listing and goes to your website. In addition, many PPC have made arrangements with other search engines to place the paying website URL at the top of the listing (these are called sponsor sites). What does that mean for you as a website owner? Well, it means lots of traffic to your website that you can sell to over and over again. What will it cost? Hmmm how many secrets to give away in a free book :). Oh well, why not! The cost is dependent on how many other people want to be in the top listing. For example: has agreements with Yahoo, MSN, AOL and others that the 3 top bidders for keywords will be listed in the top 3 spots for that keyword on each of these search engines. By the way, as of December 2002 those 3 search engines accounted for over 80 percent of all searches on the web. Think that might be a nice place to have your website listed? Ok, back to the example. Let’s say I sell training, I research the keywords and find out that the top 3 positions go for $1.50, $1.45, $1.00 per click to my website. I have a product that sells for $795 per course. I could bid $1.51 and take the top spot. But remember I will have to pay the PPC for each person that clicks on my link. It can quickly run into the hundreds of dollars. I could also pay $1.01 and take the 3rd position saving me $.50 per click. Not all keywords are that expensive...some are more :). Actually you may find your keywords very inexpensive around 10- 20 cents per click.
PPC also do not care about keywords, titles, headers, content etc. So I can write a more compelling description here that will call to action the searcher to click on my site. BUT, once there I want to do everything I can to get them to leave their email address in exchange for my free product or gift. I do not want them coming back though PPC again. It will cost me more money that way. If I have their email address I can send them my link in other correspondence. We will talk about that later in auto responders.
Here is a list of some of the PPC. Since they drive qualified traffic to your site I would recommend using all of them. You will find your keywords cheaper on the less used sites but that is still traffic that you can sell to.
This is a lot of work. I know I have spent hours on Overture alone trying to monitor the website, keywords, and ranking.
I have said before in this course that automation is the key. The more we can automate the more time we have to spend on other things... maybe the family?
Using Yellow pages to market your web site
If you have a local business then you probably already have a business phone number. Most business phone services come with a listing in the local yellow pages. Be sure to list you website address. This is much more powerful form of advertising then just placing your address and phone number. Remember your site can offer specials, gather email or contact information, give away items or gifts to your customers to get them to visit your store, tell the customer so much more than you could afford to do in the phone book itself. Plus many people will bookmark your site and return time and time again once they see all the great information that you have available on the site.
I hope you have found some useful information in this package. I have strived to put together information about most of the different methods you can use to market you business.
Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Unique Gifts for Her
Unique Gifts for Her
She is probably already dreading getting a massive load of bubble bath. This year, you need to go unique. Here’s a list of unique gifts for her that you can find online by just searching for them in any search engine.
1. Terry Velour Spa Wrap – In the bathroom theme, but so much more, the Terry Velour Spa Wrap is a great unique gift. The wrap is super soft, warm and is put on when getting out of the shower or bath. It has a velcro strap to ensure a snug fit and is a definite keeper with moms. You can expect to pay $40 for this unique gift.
2. 1,000 Thread Count Sheets - .This is a serious luxury item. The softness of a sheet is determined by the thread count. Thread counts are the number of horizontal and vertical threads in one square inch of sheet. Typical thread counts are from 70 to 340 or so. 1,000 thread counts are so soft she will lose her mind. She might never get out of bed! Expect to pay $200 for this pampering gift.
3. Sex and the City DVD – Okay, you may not be into it, but this gift isn’t for you. Sex and the City has been canceled, but DVD sets are being issue for the various seasons. Yes, it might mean you have to watch them, but you’ll get a smile from her. Expect to pay $50 to $90 per season, depending on where you shop.
4. Salsa Dancing Lessons – Okay, time to add a little spice to her life and nothing is spicier than salsa dancing lessons. Practically every metropolitan area has salsa dancing studios where mom and dad can learn the Latin dance style. Price range from location to location, but expect to spend $50 to $200 for two to four lessons. A very unique gift for mom.
5. Nomad Writing Journals – Nomad Writing Journals - If she loves the outdoors or traveling, Nomad Writing Journals make great gifts. These journals are tailored to activities such as travel, fly fishing, bird watching, backpacking, camping, rock climbing and so on. They come with or without a case and provide writing space as well as cues for writing down important information. A great keepsake for her to preserve travel and outdoor experiences. The journals cost as low as $9 without waterproof case and $25 with case.
Finding unique gifts for her isn’t that hard. The above list should give you a solid head start in finding the perfect items.
Breville 800jexl juicer
Breville juicer
Insider Sounds Off On Hearing Aid Brands
At speaking engagements to consumers, one of my most commonly asked questions is "which brand of hearing aid is best?"
Most people asking that question are missing the most critical points.
There are several excellent brands, and yes, some are better than others, but most people focus so much on the features and advertising, that they overlook what's really important.
Some of the best hearing aids in the world can provide horrible results. The key is not who made it, but who is chosen to select, fit, and adjust hearing aids.
There are several big differences between hearing aids and other consumer products. These include:
o Each hearing loss is unique. Some are easy to correct, some are much more difficult to correct with amplification. An experienced fitter can program and fine tune a hearing aid to take advantage of all its capabilities. An inexperienced newbie can take an excellent instrument and mess with the programming until it becomes a disability rather than a help.
o The most advanced and expensive units have the most adjustment and programming abilities. The higher learning curve and extra complexity make it even easier for someone not familiar with the model to thoroughly mess it up.
o The quality and accuracy of an ear impression is important. To prevent whistling, a digital hearing instrument may cut gain or high frequencies, which will reduce the feedback, but at the expense of speech understanding.
o The model selection makes a big difference. Each manufacturer has "entry level", "mid level", and "high end" selections. If someone orders a well known brand name, but the seller selects the economy, entry level model, there may be disappointments ahead.
The fitting and dispensing of hearing aids is more of an art and craft than a science. The best fitters and dispensers seem to have a "touch" for it that can't be learned from books, or even school. Again, it is much more important to choose who you work with than which brand you select.
Also, hearing is such a subjective sense. Just as some people love Mexican food and others don't, some people love to hear "crispness and sharpness", and others prefer a more mellow sound. The nuances and differences of sound are almost infinite.
Here are a few practical points to consider before investing:
Remember, who you get them from is more important than the brand. Look for someone that you can trust, that you are comfortable working with, and that has many satisfied clients that
would recommend him/her. You might begin by asking anyone you know or see who wears hearing aids if they are satisfied with the place that fit them, and would they recommend them.
Although it is good to increase your knowledge base and be aware of what is available by doing internet research, don't get stuck on one brand and model to the exclusion of all others. There is
sometimes a high learning curve on becoming proficient in programming certain brands. If you want the adjustments and fitting procedure to be in your favor, do one of these two things:
1) If you don't really care what brand you get, and you just want to hear as best as you can, try to go with the brand that the fitter/dispenser/audiologist recommends and is used to fitting. It is difficult to become an expert in adjusting all of the brands made. If your fitter has been fitting one particular
aid for several years, and has gone to schooling and seminars on the best ways to program and adjust that particular brand, he/she will do a much better job making you happy with the way you hear if
you go along with their recommendation.
2) If you feel you really must have a particular brand and/or model, try to buy it from someone who specializes in that brand, even if you have to drive a little farther.
It does help to do research ahead of time, and become familiar with the buzz words and key features of current hearing instruments. When you read a report of someone who had a bad experience with a particular new model, remember that the unsavory results may be from the person who fit and adjusted it, not from the brand itself. When it comes to your health and happiness, do research first, then get recommendations and referrals about who to see."
Bob Bare
Hearing Haven
3740 Josey Lane Suite 125
Carrollton TX 75007972-394-4370
Hearing Aid Reviews High Point NC
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Are Digital Hearing Aids Better Than Analogue Hearing Aids?
How do they differ?
Analogue hearing aids use a amplifier to raise all sounds by a certain amount, which can be adjusted by a simple volume control. The problem with this is that hearing loss is rarely equal over the range of pitches and by raising the volume to hear speech, we will be raising the level of background noise as well. Difficult! In fact many of us have been put off wearing a hearing device for just that reason.
The latest digital hearing instruments from manufacturers like Phonak, Oticon and Resound can be set not to enhance background noise, and to just concentrate on hearing speech, which is what hearing aids are designed to do. This means that digital hearing aids are much better for more difficult types of hearing loss, and for hearing in background noise.
The newest hearing instruments are also great at suppressing those unwanted sounds, incorporating features such as wind suppression and feedback cancellation. These two features can alone substantially improve ones listening experience.
Really for anyone wearing an analogue hearing aid they should try and listen to the benefits of these latest devices because the benefits really are incredible and must be experienced. Its sometimes considered a cliche to hear customers who are wearing the latest devices, comment that "it really has changed my life", or "i can hear birdsong again". But its really anything but a cliche and it is only when we are able to experience these amazing new advances in hearing health that we can trully see at the benefits they deliver.
If you've got an analogue hearing device, or even if you just think you've got a hearing loss, go and get a free hearing test from a local hearing audiologist and ask for a demonstration of digital hearing aids. It really is as simple as that, and anyone who is concerned about their hearing or currently wearing the older analogue style should go and have a look for themselves.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Chiropractor College
Students are offered an outstanding education at a chiropractor college, and there is high level of excellence. A good chiropractor college will mentor the student with practicing doctors, familiar with every aspect of chiropractic medicine. They will learn chiropractic care, and be enthusiastic in their practice. The curriculum continually grows and teaches the science, art and philosophy that a chiropractor needs to know. Another benefit to a good chiropractor college is that it offers two masters degree programs that help to prepare the student for professional practice as licensed acupuncturists as well. The student should leave feeling competent and confident as a practitioner with an understanding of theoretical concepts. The students will learn by doing, and will integrate theory with practice while working closely with educated and experienced practitioners.
In the end, a good chiropractor college will provide students with all the training and skills that are needed to help alleviate pain maintain wellness and establish a successful and fulfilling career. There should be high standards at a chiropractor college to help bring out the full potential of the student. The instructors will be highly involved and should offer hands-on training. There should be reputable doctors of chiropractic medicine in the program, and there should be new academic choices in acupuncture as it is often used hand in hand with chiropractic medicine. Research and internship opportunities should be available for the students. These areas should help to bring out the students highest potential, as this is one of the goals of a good chiropractor college. When the student graduates, they should be able to run a profitable practice.
Chiropractor Manipulation
Chiropractic Service
Sunday, April 4, 2010
4 Opt-In List Building Techniques For Establishing Trust
While the vast majority of the world has placed preventive measures in place to protect themselves from receiving unsolicited email in their inboxes, there are still quite a few in cyberspace who welcome solicitations. However, before we go any further, let me be perfectly clear here. I do not condone the practice of sending UCE or spam nor do I enjoy receiving it in my inbox. Instead, the sole purpose for this article is to give you, the prospective list builder, a better understanding of how to build a responsive and loyal following of opt-in list subscribers who trust you.
Opt In List Building Q & A
But why would someone choose to fill out a form and opt in to your list in the first place? That's simple and depends on how you present yourself and how they perceive your business. If your prospective subscriber found you as a result of an online search in Google or an advertisement in CraigsList, your website description or ad presentation must have captured their attention in some way. In addition, internet savvy subscribers like these have an inherant sixth sense and can discern when someone like you is trustworthy or trying to pull the wool over their eyes. In short, when your opt in list subscribers trust you they will reward you in kind with their loyalty. if they don't, you will loose them in a heartbeat.
So how do you establish trust between you and your prospective opt-in subscriber?
When a potential prospect responds to one of your ads by clicking through a link in your ad, this simple action signifies that she is interested in your offer. To increase the odds of your prospect opting-in to your list, your sales copy should be targeted, concise, informative, authoritative and written in a way to persuade the prospect to take action by opting-in to your list via a web form.
When the prospect has successfully submitted the web form, there should be a "thank you" page in place which welcomes the subscriber to your list with clear and explicit instructions on what they need to do next to complete the opt-in process. Another way to ensure that your prospect receives your newsletter or e-zine is to include additional instructions on how to "white list" the email address or domain of your newsletter or e-zine. This way, they'll receive your messages in their inboxes without fail.
For an example of how this page should appear, click here.
So let's review...
In order to build a loyal following of opt-in list subscribers, you must be able to clearly communicate with them. This is the quickest and easiest way to build your
opt-in list and establish trust between you and your subscribers. Remember, the faster you build your opt-in list the faster word spreads about your website or
business. The bigger the scope of your opt-in list the more traffic you receive! Ultimately, this equates to more profits.
To reinforce your understanding of this powerful opt-in list building technique, here are four (4) no-nonsense ways in which to do just that:
1 :: Building trust between you and your subscribers is not hard. The most important thing to consider when building an opt-in list is that people are not stupid. Therefore, if you're trying to build an opt-in list around a topic you know very little about, common sense dictates that very few people will opt-in to your list. People rely on other people like you who know what they are talking about. So if you are interested in building an opt-in list based upon a topic you know nothing about, take time to do some extensive research on the topic first or build your opt-in list around a topic you enjoy or already have knowledge of.
2 :: Convey to your opt-in list of subscribers that you are an expert and know what you are talking about. Once you are successful with getting your subscribers to opt-in, provide them with helpful tips, tools and techniques related to your chosen niche or topic of interest. Talk about how to install a roof if your into hardware products or provide articles on insurance settlements if you're a settlement lawyer. You don't have to be a big corporation to make use of an opt-in list. If your subscribers see you as someone who knows what he is doing and saying, they will trust you quickly.
3 :: Be sure to always over deliver to your subscribers, When you begin to promote your products or services to your opt-in list after you have gained their trust, be sure that you always over deliver. Subscriber only discounts, complimentary bonus gifts or over-the-top guarantees are a surefire way of solidifying your rapport with your subscribers for a very long time. The added long-term benefit is that if your subscribers are satisfied and trust you, chances are they will recommend your site to their inner-circle of friends or colleagues.
4 :: Never give your opt-in list subscribers the impression that they are "trapped" or that you are desperate for them to stay subscribed to your list. Prominantly display simple and concise instructions on all of your opt in forms and inside each email so that your subscribers can unsubscribe themselves easily and at any time. If for any reason a subscriber requests to leave your list or is unable to unsubscribe themselves, take time to manually remove them from your list. This one simple step will ensure that your list is kept clean and in compliance with spam laws.
While in the process of building your opt-in list, remember that your reputation means everything. In a traditional brick-and-morter business where you can
literally speak to your customers/subscribers face-to-face or by phone, an online business is far different. If you mistreat someone in a traditional business, it may take as long as a week or even a month before you start noticing a slight decline in visitors. Whereas on the internet, word of your misdeed can spread like wildfire within milliseconds! In short, if you treat your opt-in list subscribers as you would expect to be treated, you'll have loyal and happy subscribers for life!
About The Author: Keith Gloster is the author of two best-selling e-books on the subjects of traffic generation, lead generation and opt-in list building. His most recent work entitled "11 Days To Opt-In List Profits!" is a no fluff yet comprehensive, step-by-step 11-part report that will teach you how to become self-sufficient with traffic and lead generation and opt-in list building. To claim your copy of this controversial report and subscribe to his ezine, visit his website at:
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